petite size but fierce tongue but compassionate heart....manga addict...and suffered from severe inferiority complex....I think I'm ugly....

Sunday, January 15, 2012

imperfection is me...

So i made you mad with my words
I'm sorry but imperfection is me
So you think I'm bitchy
I'm sorry but imperfection is me
So somehow you get your butt hurt because of what I said
I'm sorry but imperfection is me
So I annoy you with all the nonsense I bring to the table
I'm sorry but imperfection is me
So i may look like an idiot bimbo to you
I'm sorry but imperfection is me

Everyday...we think we know better
Everyday...we think we are the better judge when things happened
Everyday...we think the rest of population are simply morons
Everyday...we think some people are attention whore
Every freaking day....we think these losers need a life

Little did we know...
Imperfection is everyone's privilege....
The hardest things in life is to be nice
towards the people you don't give a damn about...
So be nice to me...and everybody
though it's like letting the needle poking your butt..
and maybe i'll be nice towards the people like me...
and the world will be a greater place for everyone
and the hope for mankind  will still exist