petite size but fierce tongue but compassionate heart....manga addict...and suffered from severe inferiority complex....I think I'm ugly....

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My grandpa....

               I never knew him in person. Still from time to time, I try to get to know him through his writing. There's not much I can gather since he"s gone as early as my mother was only six years old. So I get to know bits and pieces from his siblings. His education background, his job and some trivial stuff. However, there's always a wall built about who he really was as a person.

                As I get to read more about his writing that mostly revolve around a teacher's life, unity between races, being both liberal and pious at the same time, the pride of using the national language, being the Islamic preacher to the aborigine community, spent time partying at the club, the experience of being a Malay communist. I began to have a suspicion about what kind of a guy he is.
Receiving the best of both world (western education at school) and (islam education at home), he grew up leading a life without clear focus on which path is more pertinent. he had the brain yet he was adventurous for his own good.

                Ever since he was a child, he was always a traveler.Collecting stories and experience with him as he go places. His heart changed and swayed as time goes.

                Just like every youngsters in that era, he could not help but be politically incline. In one of his book, he showed his inclination towards the Japanese, on another towards the communist. His view though somehow seems erratic, after reading between the lines, I could finally see..He just one to break free from his own community.

              He keep on pointing again and again about the problem inside the Malay community. The underlying message about racism, injustice, corruption, lack of initiative and envy. This has made me realize, the disease is not new. it exist long time ago and exist till now.

               He is the same as me, I don't like my community as much as they don't like me. I am the black sheep. It's not because I'm special and above everyone else. But I was born to rebel and to question.

               I was brought up liberal. People try to impose value in me. But then, when I start to question, their answer is never satisfying. Then they start to recite the ayah to me " And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up, so that they cannot see. It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe."
 (Ya sin 9-10) to prove a point that I'm the imbecile and the non-believer which is to me is quite frustrating. If one cannot question, how could their mind be rest easy. Does by threatening me of the hell fire would help me erase all my doubt.

               If God really wants us to be docile and obedient, why create us as human? with brain and emotion.

                I guess that's exactly what my grandpa felt at his time. Being who he is, erratic and undecided. Bound by cultures and norms that he involuntarily has to be a part in it. the dilemma of choosing the right path without the luxury of trial and error. His isolated island is through his books.

                This made me thinking. Should I start my own pieces too. Not for everyone to read, but frankly just to get my temporary peace of mind before I find the answer for what I'm really looking for.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Rants and raves of the stupid bimbo...

I don't have a degree in economy...I'm just a dumb bitch who's lucky enough to get a scholarship to further my master perhaps maybe because I'm a Malay by birth..and seriously, regional integration course won't make me get paid any higher that what i already earn right now..I'm just a bit highly qualified person to teach your kids ABC...but with this god given brain..with the passion I have about policy...I took time to study them every chance that I got..I study policies, manifestoes, blueprints, orange books, red books, white papers, black papers and anything I can get my hands on...just so that by the slightest chance I can make people see that utopia doesn't exist..that the dress that perfectly fit the lala on the way to the club somewhere might look like a rag when you wear it.. It's easy to have a simple mind, to have one cure for all the deseases...implement hudud to prevent crime, toppled the govt. to have more prosperous country..I'm disappointed that people actually believe in those's not enough to dream and to make it happen.., it's important to understand that we live in an imperfect world with a flawed system, once you put your sentiment out of the picture then you can be rational about things. Most people forget about rationality when their emotion is provoked. And the people with motive and objective take advantage on it. I once thought by being a teacher I could change the way the kids think, but some of the teachers brought their sentiments to the classroom and were proud of their doing. Now I get it when people say I'm too loud and that I'm just wasting my time or that I'm a poser who thinks  I know it all. I DON"T KNOW every goddamed thing on this Earth..but what I don't know I compensate by reading..and not reading some shit just another blogger sprout and make it my bible...and you know what...being in my surrounding..It's easier to get your mind set on something and stick to it rather than empathizing with everything around you and trying to look at different angels and perspective...being in my surrouding, I don't have to waste time to read and study any legitimate paper..I just cite whatever blog I've read whom the author hid behind a nick name as my credential resource and go rampant keyboard warrior style on  Facebook and claiming that other people who are not in the same note with me are either ball lickers or ass kisser...and I rest my case....