petite size but fierce tongue but compassionate heart....manga addict...and suffered from severe inferiority complex....I think I'm ugly....

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

hidup untuk diri sendiri....

Usually aku xberapa nak layan citer jiwang2 nih....supplier citer2 macam ni klu kt umah aku adelah adik aku....kepala dia agak jiwang bile die pasang citer Istanbul aku datang kt tv....aku tengok je lah sekali.....mak aku dok melangut....sambil tanye...lambat ag ke citer ni nak abis.....maybe aku dh kegedikkan sang girlfriend sanggup mengejar sang boyfriend jauh sampai ke turki semata2 nak kawin...aku rase sangat desperado...i keep about your life? ko xde bende ke nak achieve selain jadi bini die....apparently she is the princess type, dengan cekak rambut riben besar, kasut tinggi....and agak bimboish rather than I ask my bro...sape script expected....Rafidah....hahaha...well i see a little glimsp of gol dan gincu and pisau cukur in this dah bley agak....the female character mesti lembik2 and sgt girlish...anak orang kaya or so called high class punye community...but in the end akan dapat empowerment being dumped first....
and that Beto guy is kaya bagak siut....bley sewa rumah kat Turkey all by himself just by being a comic 1st instinct would be to dump Tomok for him....who wouldn' a guy....rumah die sgt kemas and well organised....and he's living alone....i never see any ordinary Malaysian bley sewa rumah sorang2 oversea....where the cost of living is high....klu setakat menyewa kat thailand ke, singapore, indonesia ke...still masuk akal....but to live in Turkey...where the cost of living is ridiculously expensive....especially to foreign people....he's damn rich...haha...digressing from the real issue....
Aku xnk kutuk cerita ni...ok jer bagi aku gak scene2 yg seperti dejavu....hoho....dan yg paling aku rasa menusuk kalbu masa Beto cuci rambut lisa kt sinki....well, kalau aku rase sgt sedih dan depress...aku akan g saloon and cuci rambut....the feeling that someone membelai rambut ko...although they are paid to do that....can help reducing the stress....sebab tu la kalau budak tgh marah or sedih....kita kena belai rambut diorg....supaya diorg boleh rasa kasih sayang kita kat diorg...well, at my cannot just go to your mom...and ask her to belai your although it sounds a bit disturbing...i find the replacement by getting my hair washed by the shampoo girl or the i sounds like a weirdo.....
But at that moment....i feel like I want my gay best friend...too gay friends are either too divaish, too high class that everyone seems like unclassy peasant compared to them, not talented enough, not refined enough, not urban enough....bla bla bla....well...even the straight, heterosexual friend are sometimes like that too....hahaha....perhaps i'm the one to blame...not a very good friend myself....haha...digressing again...
well, the moral of the story....dalam citer ni...carefully read the sign...before ko buat mende2 bodoh seperti di dalam cerita ini....if dari awal2 your bf cakap, die busy, jgn datang, open your eyes..quickly find the exit door...jgn tipu diri sendiri la wes...if he really loves you, he wouldn't do that..he would say over and over again that "he wishes you were there".and dia sendri akan usahakan untuk bawak ko g sana....bende nih bukan utk pompuan je...laki pun same....a male friend of mine...pun pernah kena macam ni....and ramai lagi orang kat luar yg macam ni....and in reality....after lots of time and money wasted....ko jgn expect la de org mcm beto sweet isn't a bed of kesimpulannya...hidup untuk diri sendiri....bukan untuk orang least klu ko frust menonggeng have something to fall back on.....

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