petite size but fierce tongue but compassionate heart....manga addict...and suffered from severe inferiority complex....I think I'm ugly....

Thursday, December 20, 2012

PMR result....

Hohoho....PMR result dah kuar.....semua orang pakat2 post slip periksa adik masing2 di FB.....sambil puji-pujian bagai...ahaks...nasib baik time kite dulu...fb xde ag...well, congratz to SABians yg masih mengekalkan ranking the best sekolah harian di KL.....hahaha...teringin aku nk menganjing seseorang....yg kate begini "at least PM study kt sekolah aku, sekolah ko....setakat Yusoff Haslam kellassss...." dan yg sewaktu dgn nyer....suddenly Ewwww kepada diri sendiri kerana so high school giler up sekolah sendri....but agak terkejut coz student SAB dah ramai....time kitorg dulu max 100 lebih je satu batch...itu pun kena tambah kelas...but these batch can reach 300....maybe SAB dah buat expansion...or memang ramai budak pandai2 sekarang..
Tapi jeles wes, time aku dulu time amik result PMR....xde sape pun ikut...hoho...dilema ibubapa yg bekerja la katekan....dapat result terus call mak aku.."mak, I dapat 8A" and mak aku kate "ok, tahniah"and letak phone....xigt de wat celebration ke.....yelah dah lama perkara itu berlaku....and xdpt present pun....well, it's ok...coz aku belajar bukan nak dapat hadiah...but untuk kepuasan diri sendri...hahaha...ayat standard...
Tapi budak2 sekarang....xyah result PMR...dapat nombor satu time peperiksaan akhir tahun pun, dah request macam2...contoh terdekat....adik aku itu...klu xde reward, jgn harap la die nk belajar....sungguh berbeza....zaman aku dulu....xde maknenye ko nak request dapat handphone ke, dlsr kamera ke, basikal fixie ke, ps3 ke..atas kecemerlangan akademik ko..hahaha...sebab time tu mende2 nih xwujud ag.....or kalau wujud pun....sangat mahal....and it's not a kalau dapat makan kfc...pun dah kire ok.....
but mentality sudah berubah, parents nowadays cenderung untuk membiasakan anak2 bergantung kepada material comfort...or maybe budak2 yg peer pressure.....
Kids nowadays grow up too quick, learn too fast, and what's scary...when they fall, they fall too reminds me of the Captain America quote "Big man in a suit of armour..take that off, what are you?" macam xde kene mengena kan...hahaha...well, armour tu symbolism of our material belongings...bile kita ade semua benda tu...kita rase complete...kita rasa besar, selesa...comfortable....we feel like we have everything....but then....when those armour are stripped away from us.....what's left? so i really have no idea, if we keep on feeding these type of armour to shield the kids from the harsh world....are we really do them good?
It's a challenge to raise children in this era....i don't have one yet...but i have living proofs of two in my i guess i have an idea what the parents out there are going through....and xyah la buang mase bg ceramah free yg bermula dengan ayat "time kitorg dulu....." sgt mencurah air ke daun diorg kisah....
But then, as parents....bersederhanalah dalam memenuhi permintaan anak2.....because in life...nobody cares....and cube reverse saiko budak2....bawak g tempat orang susah, bawak diorg g jenguk rumah anak2 yatim...bawak melancong tempat2 yg bagi budak insaf sikit...well, aku cube dari semasa ke semasa bawak adik aku g tempat2 macam ni...biar die berotak sikit....teringat aku mase g wat volunteer work kat rumah anak yatim tunku budriah....bila aku bg chocolate...diorg makan kt situ juga....cepat2 habiskan...aku kate "kalau x habis...simpan dulu...nanti makan lagi" budak2 jawab "kalau x makan sekarang, dah xdpt nk makan lagi...coz senior akan selongkar locker diorg every time ade orang datang wat volunteer work and rampas barang2 yg diorg dapat....see...dekat rumah anak yatim pun de gangster ok....ko nak lari mane dah bile duduk dalam tu....mak bapak xde nk backing ko...klu report kat warden, lunyai ko kene belasah.....same goes mase aku wat program anak angkat kt besut....aku spend 2 days je dgn mase balik diorg de yg nangis2....rase diri dihargai kejap....coz aku xdpt duit sesen pun buat kerja nih....feeling tu xsame macam aku g mengajar kt sekolah....coz budak2 tau...aku dapat gaji ajar pun xde lah nak hargai gile2 ape yg aku buat....coz they know I'm paid to do that...and aku pun...klu budak sudah kerek sangat...ditambah dengan parents yg what de aku kisah nak kembalikan mereka ke jalan yg benar....janji gaji aku masuk....
owah...sudah melalut2 aku ini....baik aku juga kembali ke pangkal jalan.....sekian terima kasih....

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