petite size but fierce tongue but compassionate heart....manga addict...and suffered from severe inferiority complex....I think I'm ugly....

Friday, March 2, 2012

something disturbing at my be d judge...

Sebenarnya post aku nih ada berkaitan dengan agama sikit...actually 2 3 kali gak la aku pikir nk wat post ni ke tidak...sebab aku xtau bertapa serious kah isu yg akan aku tulis ni...
Esok sepatutnya akan diadakan sambutan maulidur rasul peringkat sekolah...segala kertas kerja, jadual waktu dan aturcara ustazah2 sekolah aku dah disiapkan dan dah dipersetujui 2 minggu yg lepas..memang akan ambil masa sepanjang waktu persekolahan.alih2 td penyelia petang masuk bilik guru, cakap dgn ustazah supaya sambutan maulidur rasul di buat pada lewat petang dan cuma dalam masa setengah jam....imagine sambut maulidurrasul setengah jam...atas alasan GB dapat surat pekeliling tidak boleh sambut majlis pada waktu P&P...klu ikut GB memang xbuat penyelia petang kautim supaya majlis tu dibuat selama setengah jam..terkedu aku tgk ustazah yg jd penyelaras acara untuk esok tu...dia terus tanya kat aku "Amy rasa zalim tak dia buat macam ni...ini maulidurrasul ni...nak sambut hari jadi nabi...dia sekat2 samapai bg masa setengah jam je...then ada seorang guru India mencelah..."do you know dia nak buat mesyuarat PIBG pada hari Ahad 8.00-12 tgh hari...It's the time we go to the church....I already explain to her...and she knows christians go to church that day...but she insist to the the meting on that day...klu xmahu dtg...dia suro sign surat tunjuk sebab...what kind of tyranny is this??? imagine kalau I jd GB I cakap dekat cikgu lelaki jgn pergi sembahyang pergi meeting...kalau x i suruh bg you sign surat tunjuk sebab...mesti you all semua dah mengamuk masuk paper kan...."....this is real??? so you be the judge...klu selama ni aku memang kutuk dia maybe la sebab aku ni bukan pekerja yg bagus...or banyak kalau dah masuk bab agama macam citer?


  1. hummmp.... memang isu maulidur rasul tak boleh buat waktu p&p ni.. happen kat skul aku jugak... so, GB cuma benarkan buat sebelum waktu rehat.. dari pagi sampai 9.50.. after recess, kene sambung belajar... somehow the pekeliling is weird for me... such celebration, bukankah dah masuk kalendar and all, so it should be apart of the school takwim... as for PIBG meting too be carried out during christian praying time... i shall say, that a serious insensitive case... this kind of people are the people who will create trouble... as much as we want others to respect our religion, culture an believe, we should respect others too... but because he/she is GB... its hard.. because my Gb also told me... 'dont compare other GB or school, with others.. i am your ketua jabatan.. o you shall follow my lead' macam2 perangai mereka itu

  2. she's weird la...she knows people doesn't respect her and all...but she keep on using emotional blackmail to can she sleep at night...
